>> Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today, me, Mok, Mok su, Pok De and Umar visited Chu Wok. Uzuq benar lah dia. It reminded me once that mak is just like her ~ frail and bedridden. But the information given by Kak Tun is different from what being said by Kak Salmi. She said that the children decided to nurse Chu in Amir's home since all the siblings are here and not to bring her back to Aloq Staq as wished by Ayah Chu Mahadiag. Yang mane satu yang betul nih!
The pix below explains itself

Mak, Mak Su & Chu

First time I've met Kak Salmi (centre)-muko srupo anak Tokseh

Mak. Mak Su and Ayah Chu

Amir Ramadan Bin Mahadir, pensioner!

Amir, present wife and children with ex-wife(except the one at her wife's lap)


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